Every body is a gift from God. Whether you’re thin or fat, healthy or sick, old or young, etc. Your body, as perfectly imperfect as it is, is YOURS. Forever. Now is the time to learn how to love it, because life is too short to live with something that you hate. Your body is what got you here. It is why you’re here. It helps you experience life. Living would not be possible without it.

Your body is your partner in this life and the next.

What would be possible if you could be comfortable in your own skin?

We believe that a joyful life in your NOW body is possible through developing inspired relationships with your emotions, food, and movement.  Our group life coaching is not only affordable but also accessible, while addressing relevant and revolutionary topics to help you grow each month — access transformational tools to experience peace and ease within the walls of your own home!

  • Experience what it is like to truly love yourself and discover the authentic you.
  • Free yourself from food guilt and learn how to appreciate your body, the one you have right now!
  • Create vibrant movement physically and emotionally.
  • Get tools to help you navigate your feelings — learn how to feel, deal and heal.
  • Find support with a group of like-minded women who understand the ups and downs of life.
  • Let go of the past, live in the present, and plan for a future that lights you up!
  • Step out of confusion and into peace by discovering who you are, why you are here and where you are going.

When you subscribe you’ll  receive access to ALL of our workshops and bonus materials to help inspire more joy in your day-to-day life!  If you’re ready, join us and enroll now.

What to expect when you join:

  1. Each month we create a unique workshop that focuses on a new paradigm and value (see our upcoming topics on our Garden page).
  2. A monthly training video with an accompanying journaling workbook to help you understand and implement the new paradigm/value.
  3. Three facilitated activities with Jen, Beth, and Jana to further integrate on a weekly basis what you learn from the training .
  4. A live meeting of celebration and brainstorming with the coaches as well as our private community. 
  5. An article from the coaches addressing any confusion or concerns that come up for you throughout the month.
  6. Access to our community page to interact with and support other members.
  7. Weekly reminder emails to keep you on track and motivated.
  8. Great BONUS materials, from printables, to meditations, to challenges and more!

join us as we learn how to cultivate the truth within us all


“What a wonderful program designed to help you step out of a life of discomfort & shame into a life of observance and change! If you are someone who is looking to make peace with your body and food, or you are feeling stuck in your current course and lack a community of people not looking for some quick fix… then this is for you!

Take a chance on yourself because YOU are worth it.” — Brianna